Tips for Using the 9th Generation CD
Thank you for purchasing the Van Voorhees Family in America, Ninth Generation CD (also includes the children of the ninth generation). We believe you will find this to be a wealth of information and a worthy complement to the books chronicling the first eight generations.
After you select the file system you plan to use (Word, WordPerfect, or Adobe Acrobat) it might be wise to copy the files you plan to use to your hard disk. Getting information from a hard disk is faster than getting it from a CD.
It might be wise to start your exploration of this CD by reading the three files, Read First Introduction and Users Guide, Numbering Systems, and Searching for Text. Learning how to search a file (text or numbers) is important because you can do it with a CD, but you can’t do it with a book. This is one reason why you purchased this CD. Next you
might want to open each of the files in the folder’s genealogy and index folders and just look them over to become familiar with them. If you have our earlier books, you will see many similarities. In the genealogy folder you will see the 9th generation genealogy file, pages 1 to 685. You will see the updates to the first 8 generations, pages 686 to 996 (in other words, this updates our books), and you will see our unknowns, pages 997 to 1724.
In the index folder you will see six files. The first is the bibliography, pages 1725 to 1766. The second file is the index to all the Voorhees on the CD, including the 9th generation, the updates, and the unknowns. If you look at this file you will see
given name, date of birth and death if known, and one or more page numbers. A page number between 1 and 685 will tell you this Voorhees is in the 9th generation file. A page number between 686 and 996 will tell you this Voorhees is in the updates file. A page number between 997 and 1724 will tell you this Voorhees is in the unknowns file. The third file is the index for the ninth generation file and only this file, pages 2012 to 2497. The fourth file is the index to the updates file and only this file, pages 2498 to 2664. The fifth file
is the index to the unknowns and only this file, pages 2665 to 2983. These three files include not only surnames, given names, dates of birth and death if known, but places such as states, counties, and towns. These three files also include Voorhees surnames but only for that particular file. We were not able to combine these last three index files into one large index file as we had hoped to do as the resulting merged file is apparently too large for WordPerfect to handle. If we have any computer experts out there that can successfully merge these three index files please let us know. The sixth and final file is the list of pictures.
If you are having any problems or issues in using this CD, we will try to help. Please contact Bob Voorhees at with questions or upgrades to the genealogy information.
An Added Bonus
Some years ago we developed several new indexes for our generation 1-8 books. These indexes
are included on this CD in the folder Index CD for generations 1-8 books and in the folders VoorheesGivenName and SurnameAndPlace. These indexes take the indexes in each of our books and combine them into one index. These indexes are particularly handy when you are not sure which generation a person falls into.