The Van Voorhees Association

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The Largest Dutch
Family in America

The Largest Dutch Family in America

Van Voorhees Coat-of-Arms

Organized in 1932

The purpose of the Van Voorhees Association is to provide genealogical research for members of the association which is comprised of descendants of the Van Voorhees Family.

Membership is open to any descendant of the Van Voorhees Family whose patriarch was Steven Coerte.

The Van Voorhees Association is what you make of it.

We have decided to try Facebook(TM) as our primary form of electronic communication instead of an e-news email. Help us improve communication by visiting our Facebook page. Use the Discussion Board to post your genealogical queries and share family news with your Van Voorhees cousins. Family members can share tips, news, and ask questions. This is not intended to replace the Nieuwsbriefs in any way. That paper newsletter will continue to come to your mailbox. Please submit articles for the Nieuwsbriefs to our editor as you have always done.

2010 --- Was Our Semiseptcentennial Year

Congratulations to the Van Voorhees family who celebrated 350 Years in America. In 1660 Steven Coerte, the patriarch of the Van Voorhees family in the new world, sailed on de Bonte Koe (The Spotted Cow) to Nieuw Amsterdam.

Share Your Reunions and Genealogical Events

Our Van Voorhees event calendar is on Google(TM) and viewable by the public. It is the perfect place to post your genealogical events, family reunions, and other van Voorhees related events. Events should be either Dutch-American genealogical in nature or of interest to Van Voorhees family members. To submit an event for inclusion on our calendar, please click the button below or send the same information to our webmaster.
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The Van Voorhees Association

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